We Know How to Get Assignments Done for You
Call Dennis at 416-399-5832 for an Expert Consult
Definitions of Unfamiliar Assignment Words - Try My Handy Glossary
Q: What is the first step for the Assignor (seller) when you are considering assignment?
A: Determining if the Builder will allow you to assign and under what conditions and restrictions. Check your Purchase Agreement under the section called "assignments". Often, they will want to be almost sold out, e.g.; 90% and have all the deposits paid except for the final occupancy deposit.
Warning: Builder Agreements seem to imply that if you meet their rules, e.g; 90% sold out, you are good to go. I wish. Almost always they reserve the right to deny you this option if they so choose. ALWAYS, talk to the Builder's head office personnel responsible for assignments. Do not ask a salesperson. If the answer is yes, get it in writing. Get them to send you a fax or email.
Q: Why would builders not allow assignments?
A: Builders do not want to compete with current unit buyers for the sale of remaining inventory. If they have sold all their units (or say, 90%) or perhaps just sold all units of your type, they are more inclined to grant permission for assignments as they make a profit on the fees (1% of the original purchase price for example) and they get one more buyer responsible for closing. That's right, Assignor (first buyer) is now their backup if the Assignee (second buyer) fails to close.
Q: When is the right time to assign your condo?
A: Ideally, your decision should be based on your assessment of the future condo market.
If the market is rising and looks solid for the period before Interim Occupancy, I would suggest you allow at least one Spring and one Fall season between the time you list and when Occupancy is scheduled so that you are likely to have it assigned before Occupancy. This way, you avoid the Occupancy deposit and Occupancy fees but take advantage of getting a better price. It is a risk/reward trade-off.
If you are concerned about the market dropping, then the sooner you list and assign the better.
Remember, if you have a financial concern about not being able to make further deposit payments, then you might want to do it as soon as possible and hope the builder will allow it.
Q: Are Advanced Payments possible for my Assignment Proceeds?
A: Yes!. This is often possible, I have noticed a trend since 2017 whereby buyers are willing and able to make ADVANCE PAYMENTS of some or all of the total payment owing to the Assignor (deposit+profit) BEFORE FINAL CLOSING. In any case, you will be avoiding making any further deposit & occupancy payments once we get it assigned.
If you have a need to get your deposits back before Final Closing, you may incent the buyer with a reduced price. Some buyers will be able to finance the buy without the benefit of a mortgage that cannot be arranged prior to Title Transfer at Final Closing. AssignThisCondo.com will make every effort to find and work with Buyers who can provide Advanced Payments.
Q: What are the potential benefits to the Assignor (original buyer)?
No Final Occupancy Deposit (5-10% or more) on the date of Interim Occupancy if assignment occurs prior to this date.
No Interim Occupancy Fees (often 3-6 months or longer) plus Hydro (usually) and Condo Insurance costs.
No Builder Closing Costs (as high as 8% of the original purchase price) including those "open-ended" levies. Sometimes these are "capped" by a "will not exceed" amount, e.g.; $3,000.
No Land Transfer Taxes (provincial and Toronto, if applicable).
No HST Rebate qualification. This becomes the responsibility of the Assignee. See Reports
Return of all Assignor Builder Deposits
Earning Profit over the Price you paid the Builder, hopefully, on the market appreciation of the condo unit.
Retaining your First-Time Buyer Status. If you are a first-time buyer, you would retain your status for the next purchase (assigning means you do not take the title so you still qualify) and be entitled to the credits when you do buy and take possession of another property at some later date.
Q: What are the benefits to the Assignee (new buyer) ?
- Occupancy years sooner than if bought from Builder as the unit is usually near or at occupancy and often vacant. Can be 3-5 years sooner than buying new (pre-construction) from the Builder. 95% of pre-construction has substantial delays in reaching Occupancy and Final Closing dates.
- Brand new unit - often never occupied/never rented. Fresh and clean (no pets, smoking, cooking smells, bad decor)
. - All new warranties (manufacturer's 1-year on appliances and 1 & 5 & 7-year Tarion).
- The PDI (pre-delivery inspection) has usually been completed. In some cases, you may get to do this.
- All the upgrades and options are decided. In some cases, you may get to do this.
- Much smaller deposit for a much shorter time than when buying new from the Builder.
Q: What is one of the biggest challenges to a successful assignment of your condo?
A: Selling without the use of MLS. Builder (a.k.a. Vendor) will usually NOT allow the property to be listed on MLS and technically restrict the use of all advertising such as Kijiji, and other Internet channels and print media. You need to check your Agreement of Purchase and Sale with the Builder to see what conditions they have placed on Assigning your unit as well as the fees and restrictions and terms they apply if they do allow an assignment.
Q: What happens after a new buyer (assignee) has been found and the Agreement is Firm - all conditions satisfied (both Assignor and Assignee sides)?
A: We submit a request on a Builder's Standard Assignment Form to get formal approval from the Builder to assign your unit to the new buyer. If you are within the terms set by the Builder for assigning (completely up to them to determine this with no appeal possible) then they will accept such a request. They have their own 2-3 page form to complete that identifies the Assignee and states the terms of the Assignment including the need for both Assignee and Assignor* to show proof of credit and ability to obtain the mortgage. After you and the new buyer sign the form and submit it to the vendor, you may have to wait several weeks to get formal approval or rejection.
* Note: Builder still holds the original buyer responsible to close if Assignee defaults. They want to be sure the Assignor has the ability to do so. Not sure why they would not be more inclined to have an assignment if the original buyer was in financial trouble and this was the main reason they wanted to assign. I have had a case where the Assignor was in financial trouble and the Builder waived this requirement. They don't like defaults when there are better alternatives.
After the Builder approves the Assignment, the Assignor and the Assignee might meet at the Builder's choice of location to provide additional signatures and for the Assignor to pay the assignment fees (if any). Other arrangements can be made for out-of-country parties. Caution: You need a lawyer and realtor who have experience with foreign buyers and/or sellers.
Assignor often submits the assignment fee payment with the Builder assignment request. Almost always this is returned if the Assignment is rejected by the Builder.
You do not need to pay the Builder in advance for Assigning your unit. As outlined above, you submit a request to the builder after a new buyer (assignee) has been located and you have a separate, firm Assignment Agreement (TREB/OREA Form 150 for condos or Form 145 for Freeholds) with Assignee that has all conditions satisfied (finance, legal review, etc.). There is no status certificate because it is not a registered condo and of course, no inspection as it is usually still under construction or not desired (by assignee) as it is completely covered by the Tarion new home warranty. In other words, Assignor and Assignee request Builder approval only after you have a firm Assignment Agreement.
Q: Why are some buyers reluctant to do assignments?
A: Buyers usually have a concern about not knowing the Firm Occupancy Date or the Final Closing Date and paying the Occupancy Fees thru this unknown period to Final Closing. This fee is similar to a rental cost with no credit toward the purchase price. A typical condo occupancy fee in Toronto for a 1 bed + den with a $600,000 purchase price of about $1,600 per month. Final Closings can occur 4-6 months after Interim Occupancy begins but Builders do not guarantee this and Final Closing can take much longer. The good news is that Builders are motivated to get the building registered as a condominium corporation and do the closings as quickly as possible to get their balances owing - delays cost them money.
Assignors could occupy their unit or rent it out but usually, neither is practical to do. For the Assignor, the cost of moving in and out for what may be a very short period (the time it takes to assign) makes this option unattractive. If Assignor rents it out it is harder to show and given a one-year lease, the Assignee (new Buyer) would have to assume the tenant - so only investors would now be interested making it harder to assign.
Q: Are vacant units harder to sell than furnished units?
A: Yes. Assignors can make use of a specialized staging service that provides furnishings and staging that will usually sell the unit faster (saving occupancy fees) and for a better price. This is only possible for interim occupancy. You can get preliminary estimates by phone and complete quotes at no cost or obligation after our stager visits your unit. We recommend several Staging Companies
AssignThisCondo.com receives no fees for endorsing service providers and we have no financial connection whatsoever with these service providers.
Why are my listing realty fees sometimes higher than "typical" resale fees?
My fees are based on the extra services I provide and some optional extras that you get to pick that can greatly benefit you. To appreciate the value-added services that can be provided refer to the following link:
Also, see Costs
Q: Why my services are worth your investment?
A: I understand you want to find a realtor who will do it for less. You can always find something cheaper. However, most realtors have little or no experience doing an Assignment and this may put you at risk in these complex sales.
Here are four reasons why my fees are justified:
- High % of successful sales. A hard-to-match record in this complex area of real estate.
- Zero Deal Defaults with my Simplification and Full Disclosure make your unit more attractive to Buyers and assures a successful closing. This requires hard-earned knowledge about assignments and manually-intensive marketing tasks not required for standard resales.
See Reports - "My Assignment Listing At-a-Glance."
- Superior Marketing Plan for wide and attractive exposure. See Reports - "Exposure without MLS"
- Setting the optimum List Price, prior to you signing any Agreement. Remember, there is usually no MLS data available.
Q: How do Assigns compare to standard resale condo sales?
- Takes 3-4 times longer to sell (3-6 months vs 1 or 3 months).
- Cannot usually use MLS. (or most other public media) eg Kijiji.
- Much more complex (if you have read any of the above, you are getting an idea of this fact).
- Cannot show the property - selling an Agreement (paper). No suite photos or videos (until occupancy).
- Takes 4 -5 times longer to get paid - 1 year or more (sometimes over 2 years) unless a buyer can make advance payments (they have cash and do not need a mortgage).
Q: Are there tax considerations for assignments?
A: YES! When are there not tax considerations?
HST is included in the price for the assignment. Like a resale, assignments are priced with HST included.
HST Rebate up to $24,000: I recommend an HST REBATE clause in Schedule "A" that clearly states that the new buyer (Assignee) accepts the responsibility for the HST Rebate that forms part of the original purchase price. If the Assignee does anything after closing to disqualify themselves for this rebate it is their issue, not the Assignor or the Builder's issue. Assignees disqualify themselves for the HST REBATE by selling their units WITHIN LESS THAN ONE YEAR* of FINAL CLOSING (TITLE TRANSFER /REGISTRATION) AND NOT FROM START OF INTERIM OCCUPANCY. The HST REBATE can be as high as $24,000. It is capped at this on a condo sold for $450,000 or more. See Reports
Alert: Builders will almost always demand the HST REBATE be paid by the ASSIGNEE at the final closing regardless of their intentions to comply with the HST REBATE rules! Disclosure of this possibility to the ASSIGNEE is critical to ensure a successful closing. My approach: Honest and Full Disclosure to avoid unpleasant surprises on either side of the transaction.
Income Tax: Consult a tax expert on this. See My Team for recommendations. One of the issues faced by the assignor is the tax implications of the profit (if any) on the assignment being taxed as income or capital gains. This distinction and the way it is determined to make a significant difference in taxes paid by the assignor. Again, consult an expert.
Q: Why do Pre-construction condos have prices that are generally higher than current condo resales?
A: Pre-construction prices are generally higher than those of existing condominium resales. Builders are taking some of the future growth into their price. This is a change since the late 1990s. The demand vs supply of new condos has allowed this; who knows if this pricing will prevail as we go forward into the 2020"s.
Q: Once I have completed assigning the property, assignors have no further responsibility, right?
A: Wrong. You are the original buyer of the property and if the second buyer does not complete the purchase, then the developer will then expect the assignor to close at the original purchase price. In this way, it is quite different from selling the property which you own. All you own with an assignment is the Purchase Agreement with the Builder.
Alert: Technically, the builder can declare the Agreement in default if the Assignor does not close and does NOT allow the Assignor the right to complete the deal. This means the Assignor loses their deposit and profit! There are ways to mitigate this risk. I will cover this with my clients.
I always recommend a good deposit (5-10% or more) be obtained to protect you (Assignor) from the Assignee backing out of the Agreement (just like a resale). You would also have the right to sue the Assignee for damages - the extra costs incurred by you now you have to close with the Builder. We strive to avoid this happening thru disclosure and fairness in our dealings with BOTH parties to the Agreement.
Q: Are Assignment investments risky?
A: All investments have risks.
Real estate investments are less risky than many other investments because you have more choices than just selling. If the market has been good since you placed your deposit money, you can assign and take your profits. If the market has not been good, you can move in or rent it out and sell it later if you wish. Time and market growth are the two major factors determining your profit.
Q: Are Condo assignments harder to sell than resales?
A: Assignments are harder to sell than existing properties (resales) or New (pre-construction) from Builders (on-site sales centre and soft music/site layouts, etc). With Assignments, the condo suite is often still not built so potential buyers cannot book showings. They have to buy from paper and pictures (just like you did) but you (or your agent) don't have a fancy sales centre behind you. Sometimes, assignments take place during interim occupancy so they can be shown to potential buyers.
Also, Builders will usually not let you advertise on MLS. They don't want you to compete with their remaining units. You need a good realtor with excellent tools other than MLS, to expose your property to buyers. I have such a system. My success rate is very good and I have been doing Condo Assignments since 2006, much longer and more successful than most.
Q: Can Financing for Assignees be more challenging when buying an assignment?
A: Yes. Especially since 2012, when new rules were applied to lenders by the federal government making the qualifications on mortgages tougher to meet. Be advised that lenders may not accept the assignment price as the value they will loan against but will use the original purchase price (the price the Assignor agreed to pay the Builder) and Assignees will need to find a way to cover the gap (2nd mortgage, cash, family loans). Be sure to get pre-approval when shopping for a condo (especially an assignment sale) and always have a financing condition in your offer (unless you are paying cash) for obtaining final approval from your lender based on the specific purchase you are considering.
Q: How much money can I expect to make by "flipping" with an Assignment?
A: If you get a condo market growth of say, 3% (new condos appreciate slower than resales) and you assign after 3-4 yrs, you will have a gross value appreciation of 9-12%. The closing costs are around 8% (of the new selling price) so you net 4% on the original purchase price and you only invested the deposit (10-20% of the purchase price). So, using a $300K condo as an example, you could have a net profit of $12,000. You never need a mortgage, you don't have to be a landlord and you don't have to fix up.
Disclaimer: The above info is not to be taken as investment advice but simply my view of the factors involved and how they may play out under certain conditions and assumptions. Buyers are expected to consult with experts and come to their own conclusions as to the risks and rewards involved.
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